KPK Named Kapolri Candidate Budi Gunawan as Suspect

KPK Named Kapolri Candidate Budi Gunawan as Suspect
The Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is now preoccupying themselves with the investigation upon the case of the Police General Commissioner Budi Gunawan for allegedly engaging himself in a suspiciously clandestine transaction. The man who has been chosen as the sole candidate aiming for the Head of Indonesian Police position has been confirmed as suspect for corruption during the time when he was the head of police coaching career.
"Police General Commisioner Budi Gunawan has been a suspect to the crime of corruption when he was the head of police coaching career," the Head of KPK, Abraham Samad shared at his office, Jakarta, Tuesday (13/01/2015).

Abraham reveals how the investigation placed upon Budi has been done since last year.
"We have investigated and monitored the alleged suspicious transaction done by Budi for more than half a year," Samad explained.

President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo has previously chosen him as the sole candidate for the position of The Head of Indonesian Police replacing General Sutarman whose term will expired in October 2015.
The President’s decision to appoint him as the sole candidate of Kapolri before receiving information in regards for his involvement in corruption was based upon his competence and his qualifications.
President Jokowi was evidently jolted by claim and thus he requests for the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) through his spokesperson to give consideration and enlighten the President on the next steps towards unravelling this issue.

As reported on Liputan6 Petang (13/01/2015), Andi Wijayanto, the spokesperson of Jokowi delivers the President’s request for the consideration upon the gratification case of Budi Gunawan.
"The President has received the information about Budi Gunawan as the primary suspect. The President is asking for the Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs as the primary component of the National Police Commission to give consideration to the President about the steps that ought to be taken in addressing this issue. The President has deliberated this with Kompolnas," Jokowi through his spokesperson Andi Wijayanto informs the media.

The head of KPK, Abraham Samad claims that both KPK and Polri are working together to combat and eliminate crime activities, especially the ones directly related to corruption.
"Both KPK and Polri have agreed to synergized their relationship in fighting against corruption, because we cant do so repressively. We have to work together by establishing a program that will halt future occurrence of corruption activities," Abraham Samad explains. (Akp/Ein)

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